Who we are |
Memoria Abierta |
Our History |
Board |
Staff |
Memoria Abierta,
coordinated action of human rights organizations, works to
raise social awareness and knowledge
about state terrorism in order
to enrich democratic culture.
One of our primary objectives
is to make accessible all documentation
regarding the last military dictatorship
for the purposes of research and
the education of future generations.
The organizations that comprise
Memoria Abierta are:
Asamblea Permanente por los Derechos Humanos
(APDH) |
The Permanent Assembly for Human
Rights (APDH) was founded December
18, 1975 during the early stages
of the terrorist state established
by the military dictatorship.
In response to the
growing violence and illegal repression,
the assembly was created by figures
from the nation’s most diverse
social, political, cultural, labor
unions, and religious sectors.
The APDH was established
as a civil association, pluralistic
in nature and democratically organized,
whose purpose and initial objectives
included the defense of the civil
and political rights established
in the United Nations Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, in
the Argentine National Constitution,
and in internationally recognized
During the dictatorship,
the APDH fought against the systematic
forced disappearance, torture, and
assassination of the opposition,
and upheld the values of life, freedom,
and respect for human dignity.
Since the rule of
law was restored, the ADPH has sought
to consolidate and further democracy,
working to guarantee total observance
of human rights by defending and
promoting economic, social, and
cultural rights.
As an NGO, the ADPH
has obtained consultative status
category II through the United Nations’
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
Through the collaboration
of a network of delegations that
cover different regions of the country,
the APDH promotes efforts with sister
organizations that share similar
The APDH collects,
studies, and evaluates the state
of human rights, disseminates its
conclusions, and calls for concrete
observance of human rights on the
part of public authorities. The
organization denounces human rights
violations and condemns those both
directly and indirectly responsible.
The APDH provides counsel to victims
and their families, supports education
and training for human rights promoters,
as well as legislation to guarantee
complete observance of human rights.
Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS) |
The Center for Social and Legal
Studies (CELS) is a non-governmental
organization founded in 1979. Working
from a technical-legal perspective,
it promotes and protects human rights,
the strengthening of democracy,
and the rule of law in Argentina.
The CELS understands
human rights as those recognized
by the United Nations Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and
international legislation, and maintains
that the State alone is responsible
for their observance or violation.
The CELS works
to denounce human rights violations,
influence public policy formation,
and promote greater observance of
human rights on behalf of the most
vulnerable sectors of society.
The CELS was founded
in response to the need to eradicate
the systematic human rights violations
committed during the military dictatorship.
Its activities focused on legal
and social assistance to victims
of state repression and their families.
They also compiled documentation
regarding the terrorist state.
Through the active collaboration
of CELS, various organizations and
commissions visited Argentina to
evaluate the state of human rights
during the last dictatorship, including
Amnesty International and the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights of the
OAS. During the beginning stage
of democratic transition, the CELS
collaborated with the National Commission
on the Disappearance of Persons
(CONADEP) and with the National
Court of Appeals, which held the
trial of those most responsible
for human rights violations.
The CELS maintains
that a fundamental guarantee of
human rights is based on the institutional
principle of achieving truth and
justice with regards to the aberrant
crimes that took place in Argentina’s
recent past.
Since Argentina’s
return to the rule of law, the CELS
has expanded its initial actions
to include other issues such as
institutional violence, access to
justice, prison conditions, gender
discrimination, immigration, and
demandability of economic, social,
and cultural rights. A primary undertaking
is preserving the memory of the
past and continuing the struggle
against impunity laws.
The CELS is affiliated
with the International Commission
of Jurists in Geneva and the International
League of Human Rights in New York.
It is a correspondent to the World
Organization Against Torture (OMCT),
based in Geneva. Among the numerous
honors the organization has received,
the following merit special mention:
Letelier-Moffit (1983), the Roger
E. Joseph Prize (1988), and the
Human Rights Prize of the Lawyers
Committee for Human Rights (1988).
Fundación Memoria Histórica y Social Argentina |
The Argentine Historical and Social
Memory Foundation was created on
November 18, 1987 and is comprised
of immediate and extended family
members of victims of the repression
that occurred during the last military
dictatorship, especially those who
were detained/ disappeared. Its
objectives are to:
Preserve public awareness of human
rights violations, which limit democracy,
impede justice, and restrict collective
and individual freedoms as well
as the other guarantees established
by the National Constitution.
Develop a resource center making
available to the general public
academic, literary, legal, and other
materials that might provide information
and testimony on the subject matter.
Promote and facilitate multidisciplinary
research on the mentioned topics
and their impact on the Argentine
people (family rupture, identity
suppression, unresolved pain), by
awarding scholarships, grants, and
forming work-groups.
In fulfillment of
its objectives, the Argentine Historical
and Social Memory Foundation promotes
activities in educational centers.
It organizes essay, literature,
music, and art competitions, and
participates in lectures and debates
on human rights and state terrorism
at high schools and universities.
The Argentine Historical
and Social Memory Foundation is
a part of Memoria Abierta and the
Pro-Monument to Victims of State
Terrorism Commission.
The Foundation promotes
and oversees the creation of the Paseo de los Derechos Humanos,
a human rights memorial walkway
in remembrance of the desaparecidos,
those disappeared during the military
dictatorship. The memorial plaque
to be placed in the Paseo will read,
“In memory of the disappeared,
for political, social, organized
labor, and student causes…victims
of the state terrorism during the
Madres de Plaza de Mayo - Línea Fundadora |
The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo-
Founding Line- continue the struggle
to which they have been committed
since the movement began in April
1977. From that moment on, united
by a white pañuelo, or handkerchief,
they have demanded TRUTH and JUSTICE
for “our children who were
kidnapped for having dreamt of freedom
and justice for their country. We
vindicate that dream, which was
brutally interrupted.”
The Mothers of the
Plaza de Mayo- Founding Line- is
a non-governmental organization
dedicated to the defense of human
rights, composed of mothers united
in the same tragedy: the forced
disappearance of their children
at the hands of the Argentine state.
The Founding Line
emerged in January 1986 in rejection
of authoritarian structure within
the organization, and as a result
of ideological differences with
the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo
Association regarding the need for
memory preservation.
The Mothers of
the Plaza de Mayo- Founding Line-
forms part of the Latin American
Federation of Associations for Relatives
of the Detained-Disappeared (FEDEFAM).
Throughout the years it has maintained
collaborative relationships with
international human rights organizations,
such as Amnesty International, Human
Rights Watch, C.I.C.R., World Council
of Churches, Mitterand Foundation,
SAAM (a Dutch solidarity organization),
the Human Rights Coordinator of
Paris and Grenoble, France, among
other intergovernmental organizations.
The Mothers benefit
from the solidarity of local and
international organizations, as
well as the collaboration of many
Their demands are
the following:
• Thorough investigation as
to the whereabouts of every detained-disappeared
• Trial and conviction of
those responsible for the terrorist
Nullity of the impunity laws protecting
those responsible for crimes against
humanity committed under the terrorist
state. These include Laws 23492
(Punto Final Law) and 23521 (Due
Obedience Law), which are unconstitutional
and in violation of international
law (United Nations Convention Against
Torture, Inter-American Convention
on Forced Disappearance of Persons).
Repeal of the presidential pardon
decrees that completed the impunity
• Restitution of the identity
of all children, today young adults,
who were kidnapped during the dictatorship,
so that they may know who their
legitimate families are.
Unceasing struggle for the observance
of all human rights.
Servicio Paz y Justicia (SERPAJ) |
The Peace and Justice Service (SERPAJ)
is a social organization inspired
by ecumenical-Christian principles,
which promotes solidarity and non-violence. SERPAJ promotes
the development of a society rooted
in the recognition of the rights
of peoples and nations.
Although its roots
date back to the end of the 1960s,
SERPAJ was founded in 1974 as a
union of diverse groups committed
to promoting Christian values and
active nonviolence.
The SERPAJ arose
from the Latin American liberation
movements, characterized by their
fight against injustice and institutional
Dedicated to the
poor and oppressed, SERPAJ works
for a pluralistic and participatory
society that overcomes all domination
and safeguards respect for justice,
freedom, human rights, peace, and
the diverse needs of all people.
SERPAJ values awareness,
organization, multisectorial articulation,
and solidarity to confront the various
forms of violence facing our society.
It affirms the need to promote social,
political, and religious dialogue
that upholds diversity and strengthens
collective organization.
Together with branches
in other Latin American nations,
the SERPAJ forms part of SERPAJ
Latin America, which is a consultative
member of the Economic and Social
Council of the United Nations (ESOSOC)
and a consultative organization
of UNESCO. In 1987, it was awarded
the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education.
Adolfo Pérez
Esquivel, 1980 Nobel Peace Prize
Winner and current president of
SERPAJ Argentina, was one of the
organization’s founders and
served as the Latin American General
Coordinator from 1974 to 1986.
SERPAJ is structured
along zonal and regional group lines
and divides its work into four programs:
Human Rights and Democratic Development,
Peace and Human Rights Education,
Environment and Right to Development,
and Ecumenism.
SERPAJ works to:
• Promote alternative strategies
to face institutional impunity and
human rights violations. Defend life and strengthen democratic
• Strengthen and rebuild public
• Promote human rights and
active nonviolence as tools to construct
new utopias.
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