Memoria Abierta takes part in a project to construct an Interpretation center in the clandestine detention center Mansi�n Ser�. The center is located in the sports club Gorki Grana in the municipality of Mor�n in the Province of Buenos Aires.
At this location, for a couple of years the excavation for the clandestine detention center has been taking place.
Here, can also be found the house for memory and life and the Human Rights center of the municipality of Mor�n.
The First phase of the construction for the Interpretation center of the clandestine detention center of Mansi�n Ser� will be finished by the end of
Participants of this phase of the project are:
*The center of Human Rights of Mor�n,
*The planning site of the municipality of Mor�n,
*The team of anthropologists and archeologists of the investigation project Mansi�n Ser�,
*and the technical assistance of Memoria Abierta.
The culmination of the first phase will facilitate the continuity of the excavation for the team of Anthropologists and
archeologist. It will also allow the opening of the project to
citizen's participation, especially schools and neighboring