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And nobody wanted to know.

The emergence in oral and public hearings of the stories of sexual violence in Clandestine Detention Centers and judicial openness to recognize it as an autonomous offense, as systematic as torture, put an issue silenced for 35 years in the public agenda. 

In this work more than 60 testimonies of women who from the Oral Archive of Memoria Abierta are analyzed. These are stories that, in various ways, denounce and reflect on the violence, its manifestations, the subjective impacts and echoes in the present.

The silence on this issue, the difficulties in listening, the places, moments and partners with whom these women have wanted or been able to refer to such violence and its aftermath are some of the topics developed.

One of the most significant issues is the need of the survivors to move themselves from the position of victims to focus on their stories of resistance, those small gestures and solidarities to keep feeling themselves humans. Y nadie quería saber gathers and highlights that set of individual and collective strategies of resistance facing the threat of sexual violence, and the solidarities that were raised within the limited scope of action during captivity.

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